This is who we are,
and what we are…

We are made of people who believe in using tech to deliver social IMPACT. We are 100% on the side of the USER:


We provide independent advice on choosing, using and deploying. We don’t take any money from Tech providers or platforms and are therefore free to help you USE any software out there.


We know trying to get people to use tech is hard and sometimes lonely so we connect you to other people trying to do the same, encourage you to share and build on what’s already been proved to work.


Why reinvent the wheel? We aren’t a think tank, or a research organisation. Our advice, guidance and templates are always based on lived experience and focused on helping you produce results - quickly.


We know money is tight (and always will be) so we always try to find the least expensive way of supporting you.


Our experience is that not all people in the world of technology are good. Membership is by application only and not based on how much you can afford to pay but on the value you will bring to our community.

Who’s using Good Badges?

Skills Impact Professionals

People and organisations using digital
credentials to:

  • Solve the skill shortage

  • Support the economically inactive

  • Bridging the skills gap

Creative Impact Professionals

These good people use digital credentials to drive up participation in the arts and cultural spheres. They’re creating a powerful pipeline of creative talent, often from the disadvantaged or underrepresented.

Education Impact Professionals

Educators use digital credentials to increase the quality, perceived value and effectiveness of vocational pathways to employers.

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.