The world’s biggest digital credentials knowledge bank

Join the Good Badges community and you’ll get answers and hands-on practical help on all the following questions and much more…


Which platform is cheapest?

What do badges actually DO?

Are badges credible?

How can I issue badges to under-16s?

Is my platform really interoperable?

Does this stuff work?

How do I get buy-in from my colleagues?

How do I integrate with my existing tech?

How do I keep my ongoing tech costs low?

How do I encourage my team to use what I’ve bought?

How can badges be used to improve the skills ecosystem?

What’s the difference between digital badges, open badges,
micro-redentials, digital certificates and open recognition?

What’s the difference between a badge class and a badge assertion?

What is metadata?

How do I improve my claim rate?

Nobody’s using my badges…HELP!

Is this all GDPR compliant?

Will my data leave UK servers?

Our community is application only. You’ll be joining a powerful group of like-minded people and organisations committed to using badges for good. Your voice will always be heard. Interested?